Terms Of Use

  • All photos, images and texts on this site are copyrighted. You must not use them without explicit permission of the copyright owner.

  • Unless otherwise stated the © of these pages lies by Jochen Duckeck.

  • Opinions expressed on duckeck.com are those of the respective author.

  • Material submitted for publication on this site stays in the ownership of the respective author. By submitting it to duckeck.com the author allows the publication on this site and he affirm that he has the right to publish this material. At the request of the copyright owner, any material will be removed as soon as possible and at any time.

  • There is no assured response time for listings, removals, corrections and so forth.

  • Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is correct, duckeck.com can not guarantee its accuracy. Any use of the information provided here, is on your own risk. duckeck.com will not be liable for any damage that occurs in connection with your use of this service.

  • The listing on duckeck.com is free for every Duckeck on the world. This includes email alias and third level domain name with redirect. Precondition is a valid e-mail and snail mail address. The later is published on a voluntary basis, but necessary to avoid misuse of this services. The personal data will be stored but not used for anything other than this free service.

  • The free listing service may be canceled at any time if necessary. Especially if the number of listings exceeds the free contingent of the ISP the site owner may decide to stop new listings.

  • There is no right for anybody to be listed. The decision if somebody is listed is made solely by the site owner.

  • A listing may be deleted if any kind of illegal activity occurs in connection with this service.